User Guide

Getting started

To get started, simply click ‘start module’ next to one of the 4 modules on your dashboard. You can complete the modules in whatever order you choose, there is no set sequence. The module will open in a new browser window/ tab and your Dashboard will remain open in the background. Once you have completed, or want to exit a module you’ll need to close the tab.

Each module is split into two parts: the ‘runway’, which will cover content that is relevant to the whole-school workforce, and the ‘workforce route’, which will cover content more specific to your role. When asked to choose a route, you should select the one that is most relevant to your current role in school.

How long will it take?

This training is designed for you to learn at your own pace, at a time when is most convenient for you. Each module will take approx. 1 hour in total, but will vary depending on time spent completing reflection activities.

If you need to exit a course mid-module your progress will automatically save, allowing you to pick up where you left off at a later time. When you return to the module, you’ll need to press ‘resume’ rather than ‘restart’.

Reflection Activities
At one or more points during the modules, you will be asked to reflect on the learning you have gained and how it might influence your practice moving forwards. These reflections are confidential and won’t be seen by anyone but you. Although all information you enter is stored on a secure server, you should not upload any personal information relating to learners’ from your school. Instead we recommend using a pseudonym.

Reflection Log PDFs

All of the reflections you make during the modules will be exported to a Reflection Log PDF for you to download and print. A separate PDF will be generated for each module, but if you complete mulitple workforce routes these will all appear in the same document.

Each time you close a module, an updated version of the PDF will be auto-generated and stored under ‘Reflection Log PDF‘ on your dashboard. This make take up to 10 minutes to happen.


When you have successfully completed a workforce route and closed the module, you will be able to access your certificate. To do this, you will need to return to your Dashboard, click ‘certificate’ and then ‘print’. Your digital certificate will then be generated and appear in a new window/ tab. You will then need to use your system dialogue to either print or download and save the certificate. Each time you complete a new module or workforce route, your certificate will be updated with this new information.

Resource Library
Throughout the modules you will see references to further reading or useful resources which will either be hyperlinked to an external website or be available for download at the bottom of the page. Please view the resource library for a full bibliography.

Browser and cache

The modules have been tested to work in Chrome, Explorer and Firefox. However, you may need to allow pop-ups and clear your cache in order for the modules to work.

What is cache?

Cache (pronounced cash) is a software component that is used to store data (such as images and text) so that information may be accessed quicker if the user ever returns to it. However, like a fridge, cache must be regularly cleared out, so that everything is up-to-date and fresh!

Issues can arise if cache isn’t regularly kept up-to-date and cleared out, such as web pages or applications becoming unresponsive. It can also affect the loading speed of your browser.

How do I clear my Cache?

As cache stores data from a web page, and the internet constantly changes and evolves, it’s extremely important to regularly clear out your cache. It prevents you from accessing redundant and out-of-date information, protects your data, and helps applications run smoothly on your device.

How to clear your cache depends on which internet browser you are using. Read more about how to clear your cache here:

Google Chrome

Internet Explorer


Blocked pop-ups

If you can’t open the course, you may get a warning that the browser has blocked a pop-up, or if the course opens but shows only a blank screen, you may be experiencing a pop-up blocker. How to fix this depends on which internet browser (e.g., Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc) you are using:

Google Chrome

Internet Explorer



If you require any further assistant with using the training modules please email